Automate 2024.2
Automate 2024.2.1+ has been certified by SquareWorks to be compatible with NetSuite 2024.2 and is backwards compatible with NetSuite 2024.1.
Automate 2024.2.33 (2025-1-30)
New Features:
[Invoice AI] The Automate navigational menu now includes links to access the "Not Submitted" and "Pending Approval" pages directly [AP-444]
[Expense Accrual Automation] When creating an expense accrual journal entry, a csv file is now attached for supporting documentation [AP-353]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Certain General Leger (GL) accounts can now be excluded from the Accruals process [AP-353]
[Expense Accrual Automation] A custom date field can now be used for determining bills pending approval that should be accrued. [AP-353]
[Payments Automation] From Business Entity is now a required field when sending an invite to a payee [IN-441]
Bug Fixes:
[Advanced Check Printing] Fixed decimal precision error on aggregating check total number on Print Checks page [IN-440]
[Payments Automation] Fixed issue creating a funding source when no payment methods are enabled [IN-434]
Automate 2024.2.32 (2025-1-25)
New Features:
Miscellaneous system improvements and updates
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.31 (2025-1-16)
New Features:
[Expense Accrual Automation] The accruals worksheet now contains a filter for amount to limit which lines returned and recorded within your expense accrual entry. [AP-350]
[Expense Accrual Automation] A copy of the accruals worksheet is now attached to the journal entry for audit purposes [AP-353]
[Advanced Check Printing] Total amount and number of checks calculated and displayed for all checks currently selected [IN-397]
[Expense Accrual Automation] The expense accrual journal entry accounts payable line now has a predefined memo included [AP-276]
[Approval Workflow Automation] Removed 'Disable Redirect on Creation' setting [IN-228]
[Payment Automation] Automate Payee Status and Preferred Payment Method will be updated on the Netsuite Vendor record for all onboarded payees [
Bug Fixes:
[Expense Accrual Automation] The accruals worksheet can now be sorted by entry amount [AP-318]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Only features enabled within an account will show up on the automate home page for administrators [AP-397]
Automate 2024.2.30 (2025-1-6)
New Features:
[Platform] Additional Security enhancements [PSS-124]
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.29 (2025-1-2)
New Features:
[Payments Automation] Payees can now be reactivated after being deactivated in Automate [IN-393]
Reactivated payee payments will move to 'Ready for Release'.
The status will be reflected on the vendor record in Custom > Automate Payee Status.
[Payments Automation] Updated dropdowns to be searchable when linking a funding source to a bank account [IN-422]
[Payments Automation] Added CSV Export button to Ready for Release and Not Ready For Release tables [IN-418]
[Payments Automation] Added waive account verification option for customers that are only using an account for checks only [IN-382]
[Payments Automation] Added filters on the Funding Sources Table [IN-407]
[Dashboard] To Submit and To Approve Queries within the Dashboard only include credit memos if approvals is enabled for that record type [AP-335]
[Expense Accruals] A transaction line field has been added to track relationship to Purchase Order transactions on Expense Accrual Journal Entries. [AP-351]
[Platform] Automate home page includes additional links for Managing Bills, Expense Accruals, and the SuiteQL Playground [AP-259]
Automate 2024.2.28 (2024-12-18)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Removed type ahead filtering (combo box) functionality from dropdowns [IN-420]
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.27 (2024-12-17)
New Features:
[Platform] Additional Security enhancements [AP-355]
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.26 (2024-12-16)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Invoice AI] Resolved issue causing TypeError: Cannot read property 'custom_fields' of null. [IN-415]
Automate 2024.2.25 (2024-12-16)
New Features:
[Payments] The number of records filtered will be displayed at the bottom of the table when using the search bar within Automate (example: 1-25 of 40 Filtered Records) [IN-402]
Bug Fixes:
[Payments] Resolved issue preventing invites from being sent by non-Admin roles. [IN-411]
Automate 2024.2.24 (2024-12-12)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Search for existing funding sources and business entities in the dropdown component when adding a funding source or linking a bank account. [IN-386]
[Advanced Document Management] PDF attachments can now be viewed in split screen mode while entering a bill within Automate. [AP-94]
[Payment Automation] Added more in-app guidance for verification timeline when adding a new funding source. [IN-345]
[Payment Automation] Improved error handling for outsource check printing. [IN-395]
[Payment Automation] Hiding 'Additional CC Emails' and 'Automate Payee Onboarding TOS' on Netsuite Vendor Record, as these fields are not informative. [IN-371]
[Bills Inbox] Removed the ability to sort on the 'Remove' column. [In-329]
Bug Fixes:
[Expense Accrual Automation] Previous Month totals now only show the total for a unique line, not the entire PO. [AP-321]
Automate 2024.2.23 (2024-12-2)
New Products:
[Invoice AI] Released Invoice AI to SuiteApp customers. Invoice AI scales invoice processing with high-accuracy AI that adapts to your vendor formats without manual template setup.
Automate 2024.2.22 (2024-12-2)
New Features:
[Expense Accrual Automation] The accruals worksheet is now supports customizing GL details for recording expense accruals. [AP-258]
[Expense Accrual Automation] The transaction table on the vendor detail view now supports navigation to the transaction by clicking on the transaction name. [AP-290]
[Payment Automation] Added ability to deactivate a Payee. Deactivated Payees will not be reactivated and will not receive payments going forward. [IN-222, IN-223, IN-224, IN-379]
[Payment Automation] The vendor record in Netsuite will now reflect payee status and preferred payment method for payees going forward in the 'Custom' tab. [IN-370]
[Payment Automation] When onboarding a new business entity there is an 'Onboarding Help' button that references our documentation [IN-347]
[Approval Automation] Changes to Bank Detail records will no longer cause a vendor to need re-approval if approval resubmission is not enabled. [AP-316]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Fields added for expense accrual automation will only be visible on forms if the feature is enabled. [AP-320]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Entry amount calculations have been updated to take into consideration amount already recorded for the current period. [AP-272, AP-275]
[Payment Automation] Inactivate payees will be filtered out by default, however, you can adjust the filter to view them using the new 'active' column. [IN-369]
Bug Fixes:
[Platform] Addressed issue with scroll bar appearing in the middle of the page. [AP-331]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Transaction table now supports sorting by date or Posting period. [AP-299]
[Payment Automation] Fixed issue in Advanced Vendor Onboarding impacting vendors that would like to accept payment via check. [IN-368]
[Payment Automation] Updated error message for when check images are uploaded in the wrong file format. [IN-368]
[Payment Automation] Fixed issue impacting some payments from being hidden from the 'Not Ready For Release' queue. [IN-390, In-389]
Automate 2024.2.21 (2024-11-26)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Automate] Resolved issue in processing specific events(IN-390)
Automate 2024.2.20 (2024-11-21)
New Features:
[Payments Automation] Include Not Ready For Release payments for payees without preferred payment methods (IN-389)
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.19 (2024-11-13)
New Features:
Redeployment of changes in 2024.2.18 caused by an unexpected deployment error.
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.18 (2024-11-13)
New Features:
[Payments Automation] Added ability to create Virtual Funding Source type that links to an existing ACH and Check Funding Source for a single GL account [IN-331, IN-359, IN-360, IN-365]
[Payments Automation] Payments Automation will append ACH network ID to the memo of the transaction and bill payment memo [IN-352, IN-353]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Worksheet now displays the amount that is recorded in the current period. [AP-271]
[Payments Automation] Added filter on Transaction Status on Payments History Table [IN-344]
[Payments Automation] Added message for changing check logo in Pay via Check settings [IN-177, IN-374]
[Payments Automation] Added 'Withdrawal Date' and 'Bill Payment Date' in Payment History Detail View [IN-297, IN-328]
[Dashboard] The AP inbox and To approve search will now display the name of the owner/approver respectively when auto-generated numbers is enabled for employee records. [AP-279]
[Expense Accrual Automation] The All Subsidiary filter option has been removed from the worksheet. [AP-270]
[Expense Accrual Automation] All expense transaction pending approval now display in the accruals worksheet, regardless of accrual type. [AP-302]
Bug Fixes:
[Approval Automation] Resolved time out error in processing asynchronous approval actions [AP-317]
[Check Printing] Limited the Check Printing search for only accounts that have check formats to improve search performance [IN-351]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Resolved rounding issue for Expense history graph. [AP-298]
Automate 2024.2.17 (2024-11-13)
Bug Fixes:
[Payments Automation] Moved checks that previously failed to ready for release [IN-367]
Automate 2024.2.16 (2024-11-05)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Approval Automation] Resolved time out error in processing asynchronous approval actions [AP-317]
Automate 2024.2.15 (2024-10-30)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Expense Accrual Automation] Resolved error preventing access to Purchase Orders in non admin role [AP-364]
Automate 2024.2.14 (2024-10-30)
New Features:
[Advanced Vendor Onboarding] Form requests that you do not want to apply can now be closed without further action being required [AP-133]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Additional start date, end date, and accrual type fields were made visible to support expense accrual automation [AP-287]
[Expense Accrual Automation] Transaction Name on Vendor Detail table now displays the Transaction Display Name [AP-289]
[Payments Automation] When collecting payments information in AVO/Payee Invite, you can also collect additional CC email addresses to receive payment remittance emails [IN-226, IN-221]
[Payments Automation] When additional documentation is needed to complete business entity verification, Automate will display a banner message dictating which documentation is required [IN-275, IN- 330]
[Payments Automation] Updated vendor remittance email language for ACH payments, the email now reflects the ACH payment timeline [IN-280]
[Payments Automation] Refactored the Payment Status in the Payments History table, users can now filter and the CSV will match the data in the table [IN-260]
Bug Fixes:
[Approval Automation] Resolved multiple record saving actions while submitting for a approval causing performance issues [AP-288]
[Bills Inbox] Fixed bug causing Bill Inbox status to not reflecting 'Failed' in the case that the scanning failed processing [IN-320]
Automate 2024.2.13 (2024-10-28)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Approval Automation] Resolved multiple record saving actions while submitting for a approval causing performance issues. [AP-288]
Automate 2024.2.12 (2024-10-18)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Added ability to add up to two additional cc email addresses in the payee invite email [IN-221]
[Payment Automation] Improved payment remittance email language to reflect payment timelines for ACH [IN-280]
Bug Fixes:
[Payment Automation] Fixed a bug that prevented a user from approving a new payment method [IN-221]
Automate 2024.2.11 (2024-10-15)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] When additional documentation is required to verify a business entity, there will be a banner that describes what document type is required for upload [IN-294]
[Payment Automation] Bill Payment Date is added as a new column for Ready For Release and Payments History table [IN-287]
[Automate Dashboard] Tables will display number of filtered rows versus total rows when a filter is active [IN-252]
Bug Fixes:
[Accrual Automation] Resolved issue with determining oldest open period for accrual purposes [AP-284]
Automate 2024.2.10 (2024-10-3)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Payment Automation] Fixed a bug causing empty invoice scans to fail in Invoice AI [IN-309]
Automate 2024.2.9 (2024-10-2)
New Features:
Invoice AI: Soft launch of our Invoice AI model for enhanced line level accuracy on invoice scanning. A select group of customers has been transitioned to the new Invoice AI V2 model [IN-268, IN-239, IN-242, IN-243]
[Automate Payments] Ability to add up to two additional cc emails for payees for payment remittance emails [IN-218, IN-219]
[Automate Payments] Withdrawal date is added as a new column with a filter in the Payment History table [IN-241]
[Accrual Automation] The Accruals Worksheet now displays information on have a estimate is calculated. [AP-251]
[Approval Automation] Approval requests are now cancelled when a record pending approval is deleted to prevent repetitive "Record Does Not Exist" log entries [AP-213]
[Accrual Automation] Accruals for bills pending approval will only apply to transactions dated in previous periods [AP-251]
Bug Fixes:
[Automate Payments] Fixed a bug that was creating false positives for check failures for outsourced check printing customers [AP-227]
[Automate SuiteApp] Resolved "Cannot read property 'invoiceDocId' of null" in certain accounts [AP-219]
Automate 2024.2.8 (2024-09-20)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Automate OCR - Bundle] Unhide Client script to resolve issues with uploading invoices (AP-269)
Automate 2024.2.7 (2024-09-20)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[SuiteApp- OCR] Fixed Invoice Processing API Race Condition (IN-291)
Automate 2024.2.6 (2024-09-18)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Added filters to the Release Payments and Payments History Page (IN-129, IN-130)
[Payment Automation] Added Reason Column for 'Not Ready for Release' column in Payments Release Table (IN-229)
[Payment Automation] Customers now receive an error email when uploading an invalid file in the document upload onboarding process (IN-259)
[Payment Automation] Check and ACH remittance emails will be sorted by transaction ID in ascending order (IN-125)
[Invoice Scanning - Bills Inbox] Added ability to filter on a single date field in the bills inbox
Bug Fixes:
[Invoice Scanning - Bills Inbox] Fixed error that was causing subsidiary names to not be properly capitalized in the subsidiary filter (IN-256)
Automate 2024.2.5 (2024-09-06)
New Features:
[Expense Accrual Automation] Automate the calculations of expense accrual estimates based on transactions pending approval, open PO data, and historical transactions.
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.4 (2024-09-04)
New Features:
[OCR - Automate] Added new filters to the bills inbox including date uploaded range, status, vendor name, and owner [IN-92]
[Payment Automation] Added filters to the payee page including type and status [IN-131]
[OCR - Automate] Filters will display a number box when an active filter is set [IN-231]
[Payment Automation] Bulk import business entity creation for payments [IN-236]
[OCR - Automate] OCR Directions is now called AI Directions on Automate settings [IN-253]
[OCR - Automate] Rows per page setting will now be preserved on Automate Tables [IN-212]
Bug Fixes:
[Approval Automation] Resolved issue causing "Convert to Currency" functionality to not properly convert. [AP-254]
Automate 2024.2.3 (2024-08-27)
New Features:
Bug Fixes:
[Advanced Check Printing] Resolved issue preventing check printing in 2024.2 because of hidden client script [IN-238]
Automate 2024.2.2 (2024-08-21)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Customers can now onboard payees, bank account routing information, and accept TOS directly in the Advanced Vendor Onboarding form [IN-107 + IN-108]
[OCR - Automate] Customers can now rotate their pdf in split screen view when reviewing an invoice [IN-202]
[Payment Automation] Bank account and routing information is now masked by default when reviewing a payment method or checking a payee [IN-192 + IN-193 + IN-196]
[OCR - Automate] Improved the filter user interface on the bill inbox [IN-207]
[Payment Automation] Customers can now link up to 20 funding sources per business entity
[Payment Automation] Preferred payment method field is hidden on payee details page if payee doesn't have payment methods [IN-200]
[Platform] Update hiding preference for client scripts to support NetSuite change [AP-236]
[Approval Automation] "Budget Amount" line field label renamed to "Automate Budget Amount” [AP-233]
Bug Fixes:
Automate 2024.2.1 (2024-08-7)
New Features:
[Payment Automation] Customers now receive email notifications when additional documentation is required as part of Business Entity validation [IN-158 + IN-159]
[Payment Automation] The bill inbox now includes a filter on subsidiary [IN-162 + IN-163]
[OCR - Automate] The bill inbox now displays an add note to bill icon. Bills that have existing notes will show a note icon.
[Payment Automation] The Payments History table will now display the email of who released the payment. Customers can also export the Payments History as a CSV [IN-182 + IN-194]
[All] All bundles and SuiteApps have updated their version number to 2024.2.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2024.2
Bug Fixes:
[Payment Automation] Remove 'None' as an option for Preferred Payment Method [IN-189]
[Payment Automation] Check events published even if no change is detected, resulting in too many notifications [IN-203]
[Advanced Vendor Onboarding] Resolved additional "Unexpected Exception" error when collecting files through form. (AP-215)
Last updated
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