Automate 2023.1

Automate 2023.1.1+ has been certified by SquareWorks to be compatible with NetSuite 2023.1 and is backwards compatible with NetSuite 2022.2.

To prepare for an upgrade to the latest version, please review our upgrade process. If you would like to receive software update emails and release notifications, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Automate 2023.1.14 (2023-06-15)

3-Way Match [325035]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved error (Big.js invalid number) preventing bills with overage from saving when item-specific 3-Way Match settings are used in combination with enabling the Deduct Item Variances from Total Threshold settings.

Automate 2023.1.13 (2023-06-14)

Advanced Document Management [289838]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolve a regression introduced in 2023.1.12 which caused parts of the NetSuite UI to stop responding under certain conditions when creating a new record.

Automate 2023.1.12 (2023-06-09)

Advanced Document Management [289838]

New Features:

  • The split screen and full-page views for previewing PDF documents have been revamped to support the following new features and capabilities:

  • Industry-leading PDF compatibility within NetSuite, providing accurate views of all PDF documents, regardless of source. This eliminates the possibility of PDF documents rendering incorrectly or the need to download a document locally to view.

  • Overhauled UI gives you easy access to navigate and search PDF documents.


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes issue that would cause PDF documents to not render properly or fully.

Automate 2023.1.11 (2023-06-06)

Advanced Vendor Onboarding [448491]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Prior to onboarding, if vendor data is setup in an invalid state, where an address book line exists, but no address is defined (not possible to setup via the UI), an error was being received when trying to view a vendor onboarding response.

  • Resolved error when viewing a vendor response if a vendor responds to a question with whitespace only (e.g. a single space)

  • Resolved error encountered when trying to apply a vendor response to a vendor that's currently pending approval.

Automate 2023.1.10 (2023-05-18)

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • GL Accounts where not able to be submitted for approval due to a limitation with NetSuite client scripts.

Automate 2023.1.9 (2023-05-10)

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issue introduced in 2023.1.8 that prevented certain types of bulk approval or bulk submission actions from processing (also known as AWA Async Actions). All bulk approvals that failed to process can be tried again via the bulk approval screen. All transactions that failed to be submitted for approval (when Non-UI auto-submission is enabled) can be manually submitted for approval (using the Submit for Approval button on the transaction). If the submit for approval action needs to be completed to bulk, the impacted AWA Async Action records can be updated manually via CSV import to clear out the Date Processed field. Once cleared, they will be processed again within 15 minutes.

Automate 2023.1.8 (2023-05-08)

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • Added support for bulk rejection to the bulk approval screen. Any customers using the bulk approval screen will now see the option to reject and provide a rejection reason:


  • If approval record type settings are setup to email rejection emails to a specific set of employees (via Rejection Email Recipient Lookup), this lookup now supports multi-select employee fields to notify multiple employees. Prior to this change, only the first employee found in a multi-select field was notified of a rejection.

  • The approval history included in approval emails has been updated to expand the displayed content length of approval history comments.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Automate 2023.1.7 (2023-04-05)

OCR and Invoice Scanning [3400110]

New Features:

  • Added support for tax total extraction. The tax total can optionally be extracted from invoices and entered as an additional item or expense line on the Vendor Bill. This can be controlled by using the Tax Capture settings on the OCR and Invoice Scanning settings page.


  • The PDF document viewer has been updated to prevent edits to the document. In prior versions, document text could be highlighted or underlined (however, these changes were not saved to NetSuite).

Bug Fixes:

  • PDFs with form fields did not render as expected in the PDF viewer (content was missing)

Automate 2023.1.6 (2023-03-29)

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Error was being encountered in some accounts using v2023.1.4 which prevented the creation of POs (getValue of null error reported)

Automate 2023.1.5 (2023-03-24)

3-Way Match [325035]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with Description type items that was causing an error during quantity validation.

  • Fixed an issue with Subtotal, Markup, and Discount item types that was causing transaction quantities to be calculated incorrectly during validation

Automate 2023.1.4 (2023-03-14)

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • Added new approval reminders capability. Instead of using a scheduled saved search to send out summary emails with reminders, you can now leverage our approval settings screen to turn on reminder emails. When setup this way, Approval Automation will automatically re-send the original approval request email as a reminder email. These settings can be found on the approval record type settings page. By default, these settings are not enabled:

    Here is an example of the reminder email sent. It will be exactly the same as the original approval request email, except for the subject line (you can optionally add a prefix) and the optional alert at the top of the email:

  • Transactions associated to entities (e.g. Customers, Vendors, Employees) can optionally include all files attached on the related entity within approval emails. This setting can be found on the approval record type settings, under email communication (Attach All Files from Entity). By default, this setting is not enabled.

  • Optionally, rejection reasons can be required when rejecting via email. This can be optionally enabled on the approval settings screen using the Email Reject Reason Required field. The employee will be notified via email if they fail to provide a rejection reason.


  • Marking a record as inactive (e.g. Vendor) will not longer force re-submission if approval re-submission is enabled. However, marking the record as inactive will still require re-submission.

Bug Fixes:

  • Newlines in approval and rejection comments cause issues when clicking "more" in approval history.

  • If a user has user preferences configured to a non-English language, enabled conditions were not evaluating correctly.

Automate 2023.1.3 (2023-02-12)

Dashboard [452447]

New Features:

  • None


  • Performance improvement when loading graphs on the dashboard.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

OCR and Invoice Scanning [3400110]

New Features:

  • None


  • Performance improvements to an optional feature that can attempt to auto-generate vendor bills when an invoice matches to a PO.

Bug Fixes:

  • When OCR scanning limits were defined, uploaded invoices were not correctly showing as not enabled on the invoice queue.

Automate 2023.1.2 (2023-02-08)

Advanced Vendor Onboarding [448491]

New Features:

  • None


  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • When populating Bank Details on the Vendor record, the Processor Code field was getting set to an invalid value based on the supplied routing number.

Automate 2023.1.1 (2023-02-03)

Dashboard [452447]

New Features:

  • Added shortcut to the dashboard for easy access to Automate documentation and release notes.


  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

  • The Automate tab has been exposed to all centers by default vs limited to the Classic Center.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue with the vertical positioning of the dashboard in NetSuite 2023.1.

Advanced Vendor Onboarding [448491]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

Bug Fixes:

  • Check box fields on the vendor form were not mapping properly to the Vendor record.

  • Resolved an issue with the vertical positioning of the split screen view in NetSuite 2023.1.

Approval Automation [310718]

New Features:

  • Added support for currency conversion without the use of custom fields or consolidated saved searches. A Convert To Currency setting has been added to Approvals Settings on the Advanced Settings tab. When approval limits (in enabled conditions, matrices, or employee hierarchies) are defined, the transaction’s local currency is converted into the selected currency based on current rates. Within enabled conditions, a build-in function (convertCurrency) can be used to convert fields or amounts into the currency selected on the Approval Settings page. (e.g. ${convertCurrency( < 1000})


  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

Bug Fixes:

  • When an exception was reported by NetSuite or another customization during the approval process, the exception would sometimes appear as an undefined error alert and reqiured looking at log files to find the root cause. The alert has ben updated to correctly show the exception details.

Advanced Check Printing [288859]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue preventing payments from being created with a large number of credits applied.

  • Credit amounts shown on the remittance table were not formatted the same as other amounts on the remittance table (commas missing).

3-Way Match [325035]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a spelling mistake within the reason required alert dialog.

Advanced Document Management [289838]

New Features:

  • None


  • Added validation to prevent files from being uploaded that are empty (0 bytes).

  • SuiteBundler bundle edition has been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue with the vertical positioning of the split screen view in NetSuite 2023.1.

OCR and Invoice Scanning [3400110]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle editions have been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue with the vertical positioning of the split screen view in NetSuite 2023.1.

Advanced Help [450079]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle editions have been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved an issue with the vertical positioning of the split screen view in NetSuite 2023.1.

Vendor Request [289947]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle editions have been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Journal Reversal [289946]

New Features:

  • None


  • SuiteBundler bundle editions have been changed to 2023.1.1 to reflect compatibility with NetSuite 2023.1.

  • The licensing endpoint has changed from to No action is needed for existing clients. The endpoint transition will happen automatically upon upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Last updated

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