Advanced Check Printing
Eliminate pre-printed check stock with the most advanced check printing engine ever built for NetSuite
This feature is included as an addon to SquareWorks' Automate AP Automation Suite.
Payments Dashboard
Automate’s dashboard is your central hub for managing check printing. The dashboard can be accessed via Automate > AP Automation > Dashboard > ☰ Payments.
When viewing the dashboard the following reminders are available:
Checks To Print: Number of checks ready to be printed.
To Approve: Number of checks waiting to be approved by any approver.
The following graphs are available:
Checks Printed: The number of checks per month that have been printed.
Checks Approved: The number of checks per month that have been approved for printing.
The following actions are available on the left-hand menu:
Pay Bills: Opens a screen to pay your bills in NetSuite.
Print Checks: Opens the check printing queue.
List: List all Vendor Bill Payments within NetSuite.
Not Submitted: Report on all checks not submitted for approval.
Pending Approval: Report on all checks pending approval.
Rejected: Report on all checks rejected in their approval process.
Printing Checks
Navigate to Automate > AP Automation > Dashboard > ☰ Payments > Print Checks.
Select the Bank Account from which you’d like to issue check. Selecting the Bank Account will filter the available Check Formats you’ve previously setup that are associated with the selected Bank Account:
After you select the Bank Account and verify that the Check Format is correct (if more than one is available), ensure that the First Check Number is correct. This will be the first check number in the sequence to be printed:
Go to the transactions section of the screen and review the list of checks to be printed. If there are any specific checks you do not wish to print at this time, uncheck the Print checkbox:
Once ready to print all selected checks, click Print. You will be shown a confirmation screen. Once confirmed, you will be directed to a screen to monitor progress:
Once the process has been completed, click Open PDF & Print to see all printed checks. Once all checks appear on the screen, you can send them directly to the check printer. Note: If using one-click printing, select your printer from the drop down and click One-Click Print. You’ll be asked to confirm your NetSuite login before the checks are sent to your printer:
Press the print button on your browser once the checks appear on the screen. The print button varies by browser. Below is an example from Chrome:
After pressing print, you will be shown your browser’s print dialog. Select your check printer, verifiy the Scale is set properly and then press Print to send the check(s) to your printer.
Note: Once Scale is set, it will save the scale setting for future prints on your local computer. You shouldn’t need to change this setting each time you print checks from your computer.
Correct Scale Settings
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I reprint a check run?
If you encounter issues printing a check run (e.g. printer error) it’s possible to reprint the entire check run. However, please keep in mind reprinting checks introduces the risk of accidently printing duplicate checks. The safest approach to reprinting checks is to void and generate new payments.
If you don’t want to void and generate new payments, the steps below can be performed by a user with the Administrator role.
Go to Setup > Check Printing > Check Batches
Once you’re on the Check Batches page, click the Show Inactives checkbox.
Locate the batch of checks to be printed again.
Click Edit, uncheck the Inactive checkbox and confirm the Ready to Print checkbox is checked.
Navigate to Transactions > Check Printing > Status. Press Show All Owners if you do not see the Check Batch in the list. Click Ready to Print.
Click the Open & Print PDF button. This will load the PDF for the checks that have already printed and will not affect the G/L in any way. Send the PDF to your printer.
How can I change the check number?
Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Accounts:
Edit the Account which needs the check number changed. Enter the new check number into the Next Check Number field:
Click Save.
How can I add another bank account number from an existing bank to print checks?
Log into NetSuite as an Administrator.
Navigate to Setup>Check Printing> Check Format.
Select View on your existing Check Format.
Under Actions select Make Copy.
Give the new check format a unique name.
Under Account choose the NetSuite GL account associated to your new bank account.
Under Bank Account Number enter the new bank account number.
Optionally, update the company header information.
Click Save on your new format. This new account should now be set up to print checks.
Where does the address come from that’s printed on a check and how can it be changed?
Our Advanced Check Printing relies on standard NetSuite functionality to define the address to be shown on a check. When checks are printed, our solution will retrieve the address from the “Payee Address” on the Vendor Bill Payment being printed:
If this address needs to be change, there are two options:
You can edit the Payment directly and change the address.
You can edit the Payment’s applied Bill’s address, void the Payment and generate a new payment. The modified address from the Bill will be copied to the new Payment.
Please note that changing the address on the Payment or Bill will not impact the address stored on the Vendor. Future Bills will continue to use the address information from the Vendor. A change to the Vendor is required if the address needs to be permanently changed moving forward. Also note that changing the address on the Vendor will not impact any addresses already associated to existing Bills or Payments.
Last updated
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