Payment Automation
Streamline your accounts payable process with the most efficient and secure way to send payments without leaving NetSuite
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Streamline your accounts payable process with the most efficient and secure way to send payments without leaving NetSuite
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This feature is included within SquareWorks' Automate AP Automation Suite.
Before proceeding with Payment Automation configuration, please ensure you have completed the steps to install Automate.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Home using the Administrator role. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
Enable Payment Automation by clicking the Enable button and confirming the enablement of Payment Automation.
Business entities represent the unique legal entities that a company may own or operate. These are typically represented by Subsidiaries in NetSuite. Each business entity that needs to send money through the Payment Automation feature needs to be created & verified following the steps below.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Home using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
In the Automate Setting sidebar, expand the Payment Automation Section and select Business Entities. Begin the process of onboarding one of your business entities by clicking the Create Business Entity button.
Provide all necessary information for your business:
Business Name: This is the Legal Name of your business.
Email: The email address that should receive notifications relating to this business entity, such as completed or failed payments. Note: If you have multiple business entities, typically represented by subsidiaries in NetSuite, each email address must be unique.
AP Contact Information: This information is displayed at the bottom of email communication with payees.
Transaction ID Prefix: The optional prefix to add to all transaction IDs for this Business Entity This assists in the reconciliation process.
Once complete, click Save.
Repeat for any additional business entities that need to send payments.
When onboarding business entities in Sandbox, you are not required to provide real data. Any information provided will be automatically approved.
After pressing Save, you will be requested to provide additional information to verify your business, its controller and beneficial owner(s). Click here for step-by-step directions on how to successfully verify your business, or click the link below:
Verify Business EntitiesAfter your business entity has been verified, you will be allowed to enable ACH and Check payment Options.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Settings using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
Click on the business entity name.
Press Setup next to the Pay via ACH box, toggle the switch to "Enabled", and press Save.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Settings using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
Click on the business entity name.
Press Setup next to the Pay via Check box and toggle the switch to "Enabled"
Enter the following information to be printed on all checks issued for this business entity.
Business Name - The name of the business as you desire it to be printed on the check
Address - The street address of the business as you desire it to be printed on the check
Address 1
Address 2 (Optional)
Zip Code
Logo (Optional) - Optionally provide a logo to be printed in the upper left corner of the check stock.
Signature - Provide a signature image of the authorized signer for this business entity. Check signature should be 5in x 2in @ 150dpi. PNG (recommended) and GIF images are supported.
Allow As Payee Preferred Payment Method - When enabled, payees can select checks as their preferred payment method. If disabled, they cannot opt for payment exclusively by check; however, providing check payment information as a backup is still required.
Once your business entity information has been verified, you will need to provide at least one funding source. A funding source represents your bank account(s) sending money.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Settings using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
In the Automate Setting sidebar, expand the Payment Automation section and select Funding Sources.
2. Click on the Create Funding Source button to being adding a funding source.
Provide details for the funding source to be added:
Business Entity – The business entity that was just created that this funding source should be linked to
Account Name – A descriptive Name of this account to show up in reporting (example: ABC Bank 4567)
Account Number – The Bank account number
Routing Number – The routing number of your financial institution
Account type – define whether this is a checking or savings account
Next Check Number - When Pay Via Check is enabled for the corresponding business entity, optionally specify the next check number to be used with this account.
Funding Source Requirements
Only US Banks are currently supported
Only business bank accounts are supported
There is a limit of 20 Funding Sources per business entity. If you need more than 20 funding sources for a particular business entity, please contact SquareWorks support (
Click Submit to save the information.
Two micro deposits will be initiated into your funding source accounts for verification purposes. The deposits should appear in 1-2 business days. Once these deposits are made (you will be notified via email), please return to the funding source page and complete Verify Funding Sources.
In Sandbox, you can skip directly to the Verifying Funding Sources and don't need to wait for an email to be received. Micro deposits will not be sent to your bank accounts in Sandbox.
Repeat the process for any additional funding sources needed.
To ensure funds can be sent from this account, please verify that your bank account allows ACH debit transactions from Originator ID "945440567_". The underscore represents a mandatory blank space that must be present at the end of the ID number. If you have any issues providing this ID to your bank, please contact SquareWorks support (
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Settings using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
On the sidebar, expand the Payment Automation options and select Funding Sources.
Click on the name of the funding source in the table to open up the record.
Click the Verify button in the upper right hand corner.
Provide the values of the two micro deposits received into the funding source account and click Submit.
When verifying a funding source in Sandbox, any amounts selected above will be approved. You will not receive micro deposits in your bank account when setting up Sandbox.
The Account verification has been complete. Repeat for any additional funding sources that need to be verified.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Settings using the Administrator role or as an employee who has been granted permission to manage business entities. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
On the sidebar, expand the Payment Automation options and select Link Bank Accounts.
Map your NetSuite GL Bank Accounts to any necessary Automate Funding sources that have been added and click Submit.
Automate permissions allow users or roles to complete certain tasks like sending invites, managing business entities, and releasing payments.
There is no need to assign the Administrator role to permission groups. All permissions will be granted to users who access Automate with the NetSuite Administrator role.
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Home using the Administrator role. Press the gear icon in the upper right to go to Automate settings.
On the sidebar, select Permissions.
Click on a permission group to assign to a particular role or Employee
Assign the permission group to employees or roles using the Add employees or Add Roles buttons.
Click Save
Repeat for any additional permission groups that need to be assigned.
Create Balance Transfers
View, create, or cancel balance transfer requests, but not able to approve balance transfers.
Release Balance Transfers
View, release, or cancel balance transfer requests, but not able to create balance transfers.
Release Payee Payments
View, release, or cancel payee payments
view transaction history, payees, and payment methods.
Manage Business Entities
Enable payments feature
Create, edit, and delete business entities and funding sources
Complete Business Entity Onboarding
Verify funding sources
View transaction history
View Business Entities
Enable payments feature
View business entities and funding sources
View transaction history
Manage Payees
View, invite, and edit payees.
View payee payments.
View Payees
View payees, payee payments, and invite history but not able to initiate new invites to payees.
Approve Payment Methods
View payees, invites, and payment methods
Approve or delete payment methods.
Automate allows for importing ACH payment information and addresses you already have on file as payment methods when adding a Payee.
Note: ACH payment information must be confirmed through an invite before it can be used.
If available, add ACH account number, routing number, and account type to the employee/vendor record record in NetSuite through CSV import. The following fields on the NetSuite Vendor Record need to be populated.
Automate Payee Bank Account No (Import Only)
Bank Account number of the payee
Automate Payee Bank Routing No (Import Only)
Bank ACH routing number of the payee
Automate Payee Bank Account Type (Import Only)
Payeee Account type ("Checking" or "Savings")
Navigate to SquareWorks > Automate > Home and select Payees in the side bar.
Click Import New Payees in the upper right hand corner.
Expand the Advanced Import Options and enable the desired options. Select the vendors/employees you wish to import as Automae Payees.
Import Existing ACH Payment Methods
ACH bank details available on your Vendors or Employees in the above mentioned custom fields will be imported as a payment method.
Import Existing Check Payment Methods
The default billing address, if available, will be imported as a check payment method.
Don't Send Email Invites to Payees
When importing payees, don't send them an invite via email to review and choose how to be paid. Note: Imported ACH payment methods cannot be used until the payee has accepted the invite and is not recommended to use this option when importing ACH details
If invites are enabled, select the business entity to send from and click Submit
If you're using our Advanced Onboarding Solution, there is no need to import your payees. Once a vendor completes an advanced form, Automate will create a Payee record.
When creating an Advanced Form, select 'Automate Payment Method' from the type dropdown. Similar to standard invite payee, the vendor will be able to input their routing and account information, bank account type, select their preferred payment method, and opt-in for terms of service. Refer to our configuration guide for more information on Advanced Vendor Onboarding.
The fields on the vendor/employee record used for importing are not visible on forms within NetSuite and must be added via CSV import or scripting. These fields are also not updated after importing if payment information changes. The fields are only used for initial import.
When importing both ACH and Check payment methods, ACH will be marked as the default payment method.
Imported payment methods do not require payment method approval prior to use, however an invite (via Payee Invite or Advanced Vendor Onboarding) must always be accepted by the payee before ACH payments can be sent. Checks can be used immediately after being imported.
Always attach CSV remittance to emails - When enabled, emails sent to payees to provide payment notification, always include a CSV attachment with remittance details. This overrides the default behavior, which only includes a CSV attachment if more than 25 remittance lines are included.
Enable Custom Remittance Columns - When enabled, the default remittance table used in remittance emails, CSV attachments, and on printed checks will be overridden by up to 5 defined columns. Columns will display in the order entered (Column 1 being the first column in the table)
Field - Define a field that should be included within the remittance. If "User Defined" is selected, be sure to define a field in the lookups section of the settings.
Column Header - Define the label that should be used at the top of the remittance table for this column
NetSuite User Defined Field Lookups - Optionally define how we should lookup user defined fields. The lookup field specified must be a SuiteScript transaction body field ID from the applied transactions.
Field IDs for Suitescripting may be different from IDs used within NetSuite Saved searches. To find Suitescript fields IDs in the transaction table, use the Record Catalog available within your instance of Netsuite under Setup > Records Catalog. Not all fields listed in the transaction table may be available on the Purchase (vendor bill/ vendor credit) transactions.